19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering

SEPTEMBER 2 – 5, 2024

PSE Conferences are established since 1988. The event provides opportunities to present recent progress in research, development and industrial applications. Its topics span a wide range from fundamentals such as e. g., process modelling and simulations of plasmas or thin film physics, through experimental studies which establish the relationships between process parameters and the structural and functional properties of modified surfaces and/or thin films, towards applications in industrial production.

You would like to contribute to the Conference Program, please submit a Poster abstract. The Conference Program for oral talks is already filled. Nevertheless, Poster Presentations give you the chance to present your research in a well structured way. You have the posibility to upload your poster to the conference app and also share a video with your message you would like to present to interested people. During the poster sessions, you can get in contact with other participants easily. Submit your poster now!

Abstract Submission Deadline for Posters: June 30, 2024

PSE2024 Plenary Speakers

  • PSE2024 Leading Scientist Award Winner
  • Dirk Hegemann, EMPA, Switzerland
  • Christian Mitterer, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
  • Lars Hultman, University Linköping, Sweden
  • Hirotaka Toyoda, Nagoya University, Japan
  • Michael Zeuner, scia Systems GmbH, Germany

Session Schedule PSE2024

Education & Tutorials

Here you meet well-known experts, who introduce basic knowledge and new developments and trends to the audience. During and after the tutorials you may ask your questions. The tutorials are included in the conference fee.

  • “Fundamentals and Trends of Plasma Surface Engineering”
    organized by Dirk Hegemann, Empa, Switzerland
    Link to Program
  • “Diagnostics for Plasma Technologies”
    organized by Peter Awakowicz, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
    Link to Program
  • “Fundamentals and Trends for Gas Conversion”
    organized by Rony Snyders, UMONS, Belgium
    Link to Program


Topical issues and themes particularly relevant to the industry will be covered in the PSE workshops. Abstracts can also be submitted for these topics.

  • Industrial Workshop
    “Plasma Surface Engineering enabling Sustainability”
    organized by Jörg Patscheider, Evatec AG, Switzerland
    Link to Program
  • Trend Topic Workshop
    “Hydrogen Technologies”
    organized by Sabrina Zellmer, Fraunhofer IST, Germany
    Link to Program

Partner Country Session

The Partner Country Session will take place on Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Here the PSE2024 Partner Country Austria will present the Austrian Plasma Surface Engineering Community.

PSE Award Session

The PSE Award Session will take place on Thursday, September 5, 2024. Every two years the European Joint Committee on Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering honours outstanding researchers with the PSE Leading Scientist Award and the PSE Early Career Award. The Winners aof PSE2024 will be presented during this session. The PSE Leading Scientist will present a Plenary Lecture.


Social Events

On-site-events are very important to get to know each other, learn about issues between the lines and have the chance to get in a deeper discussion. In these conversations, ideas of new inspiring projects thrive particularly well and a personal foundation for later collaboration can be built. New team members get to know partners and can be introduced to the community. Why not bring your team along? In addition to the industrial evening and conference dinner, plan a group excursion to the Rennsteig, Wartburg Castle or the cultural city of Weimar. This will advance your team and the team spirit for the common work.